kicki på Skansen

Arkiv för March, 2012

Bröllopsfotograf Stockholm, Dansmuseet!

Postad den: March 25th, 2012 by kicki fotograf

Lördag 24 mars var det extra roligt att vara Bröllopsfotograf i Stockholm.
Jolanta&Peter firade sina födelsedagar (120 år) med stor pompa och ståt på Dansmuseet i Stockholm. Som en fantastisk överaskning för familj och vänner gifte de sig samtidigt!
Malin Muhr, bröllops kordinator med firma Moment design, dukade fantastiskt fint inne i samlingarna. En av världens stora konsert pianister spelade underbart. Långväga gäster minglade tilsammans med barn och barnbarn och vänner. Jolanta var vackrare än någonsin och väckte stor uppmärksamhet bland Stockholms turister i sin outfit med röda skor.

Jolanta&Peter ägde Gustav Adolf torg igår!



Yesterday, Saturday, March 24 was especially rewarding to be a photographer in Stockholm.
Jolanta & Peter celebrated their 60th birthdays with a big party, and got married at the Dance Museum at the same time. Malin Muhr and her staff had done a wonderful party in the collections. There was a nice performance of a concert pianist and singer. Guests came from many different countries in the world. Jolanta was sooo beautiful, she created quite a stir among tourists in her outfit with red shoes. Jolanta & Peter ruled Gustav Adolf Square yesterday!

Weddingphotographer Stockholm, nice email!

Postad den: March 21st, 2012 by kicki fotograf

Good Morning, I am writing to you from Grace Ormonde Wedding Style. If you are not familiar with our magazine, we are a biannual, luxury wedding publication distributed throughout the United States and several countries abroad. We are always looking for new talent in the wedding industry and after finding you on WPJA, and reviewing your work, we would love to encourage you to submit weddings for consideration in our 2012 issues in our magazine, on our website ( and on our blog (  We encourage you to to contact us with any questions. I look forward to working with you.

Warm Regards,
Jessica Latimer
Managing Editor

Weddingphotgraper Stockholm at the Royal Palace.

Postad den: March 20th, 2012 by kicki fotograf

The CEO & Proud Owner of c/o Hotels, was receiving the Culture Award, Gold Medal for  cultural achievement in the restoration including the 1600-century castle Häringe Palace.
Saturday 10 March 2012 there was a beautiful ceremony in Rikssalen, Royal Palace Stockholm. For secretess reasons, i can not show the photoshooting of the ceremony.

Family photography Stockholm, little Philip!

Postad den: March 19th, 2012 by kicki fotograf

Förra lördagen fotograferade jag lilla Philip och hans föräldrar Mats&Lina.
Det var en fin och solig dag i mars, men fortfarande lite kallt så vi bestämde oss för att vara inomhus.

 Last Saturday I photographed little Philip and his parents Mats & Lina.
It was a nice, sunny day in March, but still a bit cold so we decided to stay indoors