> Christening | Kicki Fotograf, CSI som blev bröllopsfotograf

Post taggad ‘christening’

Edwards Christening

Postad den: October 18th, 2016 by kicki fotograf

I love my job! Returning clients are my favorite because I get the opportunity to follow them through out the years like a auntie who visits now and then.

Edwards Christening

Edwards Christening

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Wedding in action take 1

Postad den: May 9th, 2016 by kicki fotograf

My assistent Calle Eriksson used a drone to capture the seasons first wedding last saturday in the Stockholm archipelago. It started with a christening and turned out to be a surprise wedding.

Jennifer&Marcus my beloved inlaws where the main attraction of the day and what a day!

My assistent Calle Eriksson and Lars Bröms supported me during the day, click on the link below to take part of this special day.

wedding film / drone
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