> May, 2016 | Kicki Fotograf, CSI som blev bröllopsfotograf

Arkiv för May, 2016

A glimpse of my new exclusive albums soon for sale on my new site

Postad den: May 30th, 2016 by kicki fotograf

When I travel I get inspired and I travel quite a lot. On my last visit to Italy I came across a manufacturer of exclusive handmade Italian leather albums.

I also work side by side with a Swedish bookbinder who makes handmade exclusive linen covered books.

All witch you can see below._DSC1351_albums_coffee_table_books_exclusive_wedding_italy_leather_kicki_fotograf_nikon_d4s_linen_bookbinder_photographer

Real prints in exclusive leather album

Real prints in exclusive leather album


_DSC1485_albums_coffee_table_books_exclusive_wedding_italy_leather_kicki_fotograf_nikon_d4s_linen_bookbinder_photographer_DSC1443_albums_coffee_table_books_exclusive_wedding_italy_leather_kicki_fotograf_nikon_d4s_linen_bookbinder_photographer _DSC1478_albums_coffee_table_books_exclusive_wedding_italy_leather_kicki_fotograf_nikon_d4s_linen_bookbinder_photographer_DSC1458_albums_coffee_table_books_exclusive_wedding_italy_leather_kicki_fotograf_nikon_d4s_linen_bookbinder_photographer

Exclusive handmade linen albums by a Swedish bookbinder

Exclusive handmade linen albums by a Swedish bookbinder


Postad den: May 26th, 2016 by kicki fotograf


11 juni 2016 står jag och mitt team redo att föreviga er stora dag i vackra blomsterbågar invid vigseltälten på Tingsvallen Skansen.

Hitta mer info på Skansens site.

Varmt, varmt välkomna !

Unna er vackra minnen.

Unna er fina minnen.

Pacta a branding story

Postad den: May 23rd, 2016 by kicki fotograf

Pacta one of Swedens leading employers’ organizations contacted me when they where in the process of strengthening their brand.

This process has been an ongoing project for the last two years witch i am thankful for and has resulted in many more projects from leading companies global.


Branding Stories

Branding Stories


Meeting the camera at fåfängan

Postad den: May 20th, 2016 by kicki fotograf

As you already figured out Caroline&Fredrik are a loving and anticipating couple.

We met at Fåfängan in Stockholm so they could get the chance to get comfortable in front of the camera before the wedding in august witch will be held at Brohof castle with 115 guests, I already see the pictures in my head when Caroline walkes down the aisle in her design dress by Ida Lanto.

I got this assignment through Rosanna&Fabian who are dear friends to the soon to be married couple.

Anticipation trough a camera

Anticipation trough a camera

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