> Bröllopsfotografering | Kicki Fotograf, CSI som blev bröllopsfotograf

Post taggad ‘bröllopsfotografering’


Postad den: September 12th, 2016 by kicki fotograf

First and formost I would like to thank all of you wonderful people who attended the opening of my Showcase Ögonblick/Moments at Björks Galleri, Erstagatan 17 here in Stockholm. On Friday 2:nd of September we had the Grand opening and lots of friends, family, guests and V.I.P’s attended and contributed to make this evening a memory for life, I am truly blessed and honored to have so many wonderful friends and acquaintances. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! We had a really good time with lots of laghus, interesting conversations and sold photographs. If you didn’t make it don’t worry you can still see the exhibition until the 15:th of September. Here you can enjoy some of the Moments we had that night.img_6763_kicki_fotograf_art_photo_showcase_nikon_leica_exhibition _dsc4704_kicki_fotograf_art_photo_showcase_nikon_leica_exhibition _dsc4701_kicki_fotograf_art_photo_showcase_nikon_leica_exhibition _dsc4699_kicki_fotograf_art_photo_showcase_nikon_leica_exhibition


Postad den: December 9th, 2014 by kicki fotograf

Kom och möt mig på Bröllopsmässan Grand hotel 23-25 Januari.

Jag kommer visa exempel på vackra bröllopsböcker och förstoringar i fantastisk kvalitét.

Ser fram emot att få höra om era planer, kanske får jag komma med några tips, har många års erfarenhet att dela med mig av.

Stockholms största bröllopsmässa kommunikationsmaterial använder mina bilder.

The largest weddingfair in Stockholm Bröllopsmässan visual communicationsmaterial uses my images.

Happy and proud to be chosen. See you at the fair.


http://www.kickifotograf.se/   http://www.kickifotograf.se/


Lea&Bruce, a real boho barnwedding

Lea&Bruce,  boho barnwedding

created by Weddingplanner Stockholm

Engagement photo session!

Postad den: August 21st, 2013 by kicki fotograf

Young love.
Today we met for an engagement photo session.
Sofie & Jonas will get married 31 may 2014.
I will capture their big day. We desided to shoot the wedding portraits next spring by the little lake where they are building a house right now.






bröllop krägga!

Postad den: May 13th, 2013 by kicki fotograf

Se vad jag fick med dagens post!
Underbar bröllopsinbjudan till ett av sommarens bröllop som skall förevigas.

bröllop krägga.

Elahe & Claes gifter sig fredag 5 juli 2013, det blir stort bröllop på Krägga Herrgård

med både persisk och svensk vigsel.

inbjudan bröllop

inbjudan bröllop

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