> Bröllopsfotografi | Kicki Fotograf, CSI som blev bröllopsfotograf

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Postad den: October 17th, 2016 by kicki fotograf

The fall has finally arrived to Stockholm with its crisp air and the shifting of colors witch witnesses of that winter is approaching.

Its Saturday, the sky is grey yet you can see all the beautiful colors that Stockholm has to offer. Paulina and Felipe are about to pledge their woes to each other.

We meet up before the wedding ceremony outside Oaxen on Djurgården. Paulina tells me that this is exactly how she pictured it to be on her and Felipes wedding day.

When I work I know just how I want my photographs to turn out and I am prepared so they don’t have to stand in the cold wether too long.

The Djurgårdskyrka is so beautiful and has a capacity of 80 guests we were total of 110 so the staff had done a great job fitting everybody in, maybe with a little help from upstairs?



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I would like to especially thank my assistant Annacecilia Hülphers an upcoming and talented photographer.

Brollop Hogberga!

Postad den: June 27th, 2012 by kicki fotograf

Nu laddar jag återigen kamerorna för ett större brollopsreportage.

Tessa&Björn gifter sig på lördag. Vigsel ceremoni och fest på exclusiva Hogberga Lidingö.

Med så många vänner från olika länder och kulturer blir det garanterat ett härligt brollop med internationell stämning.

Allt skall dokumenteras av mig för framtiden.

Ser fram emot en färgstark och brokig bröllopsfest med varmt hjärta!

I charge my camera for a larger wedding reportage.
Tessa & Bear is getting married on Saturday. Wedding ceremony and celebration on Exclusive Hogberga Lidingo.
Many friends from different countries and cultures, cwill help creating a wedding with an international atmosphere.
Everything is documented by me for the future.
Looking forward to a colorful and unique wedding reception with a warm heart!

the venue



Bröllopsfotografering Stockholm, New york!

Postad den: May 25th, 2012 by kicki fotograf

För några veckor sedan var jag gäst på the Maidstone (intressant läsning om “the paddle diva på site) i the Hamptons. På väg dit stannade jag och min son Martin till i New york. Mittemot vårt hotell bor ett av förra sommaren brudpar från Häringe. Mitt på Times square 35 våningar upp med  doorman, bor Haomiao&Niklas som anlitade mig som bröllopsfotograf på Häringe slott 2011. Haomiao hade bakat kakor, och köpt jordgubbar, öppnade en flaska bubbel, som vi njöt ,) mums. Och vilken utsikt! De berättade om fantastiska nyårsfiranden högt däruppe. De hade beställt bord på restaurang Morimoto, vi njöt en underbar middag i finaste sällskap man kan tänka sig. Martin sade; efter det här kan inte jag äta sushi i Sverige, wow vad gott! Mätta och belåtna tog vi en promenad på the highline och tog sedan tunnelbana tillbaka till Times square. Där  njöt jag av “streetphotography med min gamla leica och färgfilm, därav den varmare gula tonen ( så mycket diskretare än min moderna stora NikonD-4) Haomiao sade; det här är första gången jag ser the Ratman, jag har bara hört talas om honom, och jag fick honom på bild.

Efter en god natts sömn tog vi the Hampton jitney ( som de också gör i sex and the city:) till the Hamptons.

—A few weeks ago I was a guest at the Maidstone in the Hamptons. On the way there me and my son Martin stopped in New York. Opposite our hotel stays one of last summer brides from Häringe. In the middle of Times Square 35 floors up with a doorman, live Haomiao & Niklas who hired me as their wedding photographer at Häringe 2011. Haomiao had baked cakes, and bought strawberries, opened a bottle of champagne, which we enjoyed,) yummy. And what a view! They told us about fabulous New Year celebrations high above. They had reserved a table at Morimoto restaurant, we enjoyed a wonderful dinner in the finest company you can think of. Martin said, after this I can not eat sushi in Sweden, wow what a different! Satisfied, we took a walk on the high line and then took the subway back to Times Square. There, I enjoyed “street photography with my old leica and color film, the warm yellow tone ( more discreet than my modern digital NikonD-4) Haomiao said; this is the first time I’ve seen the Ratman, I’ve only heard of him before.

After a good night’s sleep, we took the Hampton jitney to the Hamptons and the fabolous Maidstone inn.

Haringe Palace, Stockholm



Haomiao&Niklas by night at Morimoto

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