> Wedding Photographer East Hampton | Kicki Fotograf, CSI som blev bröllopsfotograf

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Happily ever after

Postad den: October 6th, 2016 by kicki fotograf

There are not many opportunities in life when you get a chance to capture history in the making. To get a glimpse in to the life of the rich and famous.

Well not for most people but in my profession it happens now and then and for that I am truly thankful.

Go to the article here


Happily ever after

Happily ever after





Postad den: September 12th, 2016 by kicki fotograf

First and formost I would like to thank all of you wonderful people who attended the opening of my Showcase Ögonblick/Moments at Björks Galleri, Erstagatan 17 here in Stockholm. On Friday 2:nd of September we had the Grand opening and lots of friends, family, guests and V.I.P’s attended and contributed to make this evening a memory for life, I am truly blessed and honored to have so many wonderful friends and acquaintances. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! We had a really good time with lots of laghus, interesting conversations and sold photographs. If you didn’t make it don’t worry you can still see the exhibition until the 15:th of September. Here you can enjoy some of the Moments we had that night.img_6763_kicki_fotograf_art_photo_showcase_nikon_leica_exhibition _dsc4704_kicki_fotograf_art_photo_showcase_nikon_leica_exhibition _dsc4701_kicki_fotograf_art_photo_showcase_nikon_leica_exhibition _dsc4699_kicki_fotograf_art_photo_showcase_nikon_leica_exhibition

Wedding photographer, The Hamptons!

Postad den: March 26th, 2012 by kicki fotograf

5 – 10 maj tillbringar jag i The Hamptons på Long island.
Bilar ner från New York, bjuden att stanna några extra dagar på The Maidstone.
Skall passa på och njuta East Hamptons vackra beach och gå på utställningar.
17 årig son Martin följer med som “second shooter” och trevligt ressällskap.
Fantastiskt att få resa med mysig vuxen son.
Man lär känna varandra på ett så fint sätt när man är på resa tycker jag.

That’s it,
May 5th-10, I am booked for a photo shoot in The Hamptons on Long Island. 

I will drive down from New York, am invited to and stay a few extra days at The Maidstone. 
Will take the opportunity to enjoy beautiful East Hamptons beach and art exhibits.
17 year old son Martin is second shooter and pleasant companion.
Great to travel with an adult son.
You get to know each other so nicely when you are away, I think.

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