First and formost I would like to thank all of you wonderful people who attended the opening of my Showcase Ögonblick/Moments at Björks Galleri, Erstagatan 17 here in Stockholm. On Friday 2:nd of September we had the Grand opening and lots of friends, family, guests and V.I.P’s attended and contributed to make this evening a memory for life, I am truly blessed and honored to have so many wonderful friends and acquaintances. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! We had a really good time with lots of laghus, interesting conversations and sold photographs. If you didn’t make it don’t worry you can still see the exhibition until the 15:th of September. Here you can enjoy some of the Moments we had that night.
Arkiv för kategorin ‘photography the hamptons the maidstone fotograf i the hamptons’
My visit at the Maidstone in The Hamptons!
careofhotels has invited me to stay for a couple of days in their hotel in The Hamptons.
Me and my son nr 2 Martin, had a beautiful room overlooking the garden.
Please allow me to share some memories with you.
Fantastiska frukostar, simpley the best of all.
Min favoritplats regniga dagar, här läste jag Jane Fondas biografi”Mitt liv så här långt! Rekommenderar varmt, ser att boken ligger och väntar i fåtöljen.. Thank´s Molly for bringing me coffe, and don´t forget to give a hug to Summer dog from me.
Enjoying a wonderful dinner with son nr 2, Martin.
Peeking into fabulous rooms!
Taxi till Sag Harbor, strosade, njöt en hamburgare i hamnen på” LT Burger” Per Bonér, tack för dina goda råd!
Tillbaka i The Hamptons.
Yeah, that´s me, just relaxing and having fun.
För de som vill vara lite för sig själva..with your lover, efter bröllopet..
Lyckades pricka in ett möte med Martins kusin fina Fredrik&Sofia på hotellet.
De är numera nygifta tuffa New york-bor.
Vi cyklade till beachen en stund med matsäck och handukar, inga backar, kronan cyklar, a dream!